My office is on the second floor of an old mixed-use building. A dance studio is located directly beneath us and there is a martial arts studio on the ground floor. The rest of the building is filled with architecture offices.
At irregular intervals during the day, from where I sit at my desk, wafts of music come floating up through the concrete floor, accentuating the otherwise seamless moments of office life. The only real disruption is when the bass joins in, which cause both my computer and myself to bounce ever so slightly to the rhythm.
Around 16:00, I like to go out for a breath of fresh air and get myself a treat from the bakery a few blocks away. Today was no different.
Skipping down the building stairs, I had almost reached the last landing, when I pass a little girl going up. I barely register her presence, which is why I am startled when she addresses me.
‘Hey were you in the dance class right now?’ She asks.
It takes me several seconds to put this question into context. She looks to be about seven, all dressed in pink from head to toe, wearing a bike helmet. Realising that she meant the dance studio on the first floor, I reply hesitantly.
‘Ehhh no, I wasn’t at dance class… right now’
She stares at me quizzically.
‘So where did you come from?’
The boldness of this question plunges me into uncertainty, I feel like a child that has been caught cutting class. I answer carefully, sensing a trap.
‘My office is on the second floor of this building, that’s where I’m coming from.’
She gives me a blank stare.
‘Oh (she shrugs) well anyway bye’ and continues up the stairs.
I am at once relieved that there will be no further questioning, but equally disappointed at having failed the test of being interesting. I grapple with this thought for a second and end up calling after her feebly.
‘Have a nice day.’
Later when I am back at the office, curiosity gets the best of me. I wonder which class she was referring to… the one I should have been in. I check the dance studio’s website for the calendar and scroll down to where I find today’s classes.
16:00 Ballet 7-9 year olds