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Poo Story

So I'm sitting at my desk, type, type, typing away, feeling proud for getting some writing done, producing what I could only imagine to be my all time best piece of work. Then all of a sudden I hear a *SPLUSH*. Something has just hit my window, I turn to observe the glass attentively. At first I don’t notice anything amiss, until something too close for comfort starts to sludge down the windowpane.

As luck would have it, a bird has shat mid-flight and the shifting winds has propelled the feces diagonally across my window, putting it on display like some well lit piece of art.

I briefly think about getting up and cleaning it, but then decide against it; better to ride out the tide of creative inspiration.

Unfortunately I realise as I reread my text... that that too is poo.

Oh well I think, things could be worse, I could have had the window open.

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all works © Fareyah Kaukab (unless otherwise stated), 2020 - 2025

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